Kids today! Corey Johnson may be the City Council speaker but we’ve got him singing in FAQ’s first-ever musical episode, just right for your Nov. 1 candy comedown.
Plus Alex Brook Lynn goes to the deep south (of Brooklyn) to talk with Andrew Gounardes, who just might take out the borough’s very last Republican lawmaker Tuesday, Prof. Greer breaks down the week that was, Harry dances and the gang revisits the Inner Circle show where Rudy kissed the Donald.

And some happy personal news, as the kids say: FAQ NYC will now be housed at the McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research at New York University. You can read all about it in their release here, and hear about it at the end of this episode of the pod.

That’s it for now, and we’ll have more on that Inner Circle flashback in tomorrow’s newsletter, and stand by for a special late Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning election episode coming at you next week.